David Randerson

In all the skills I have learned, there are two that escape me. First is writing, and second is writing about myself. As a kid raised on a farm in southwestern Pennsylvania by Godly parents, I was taught that every person and every living creature was put here by God for a purpose, and that we should live and let live. My father was a WW2 fighter pilot who was shot down and spent months behind German lines. His life was saved by God and Nada. After the war, my dad’s family gave all that they could to bring Nada and her children over to America, where they lived the American dream. They came over with nothing, but with hard work and dedication, they lived a better life here in America. I was always so amazed by my dad’s story that I followed in his footsteps and joined the USAF to help spread the American dream. I had no greater honor in my life than wearing the uniform of my country and being ready to fight for the values of the American people and to support our constitution and way of life. During my service, I made some great friends. Sadly, I also lost some of my best friends to plane crashes and one to a drowning incident. Needless to say, I had issues with their passing, but I just hid them away, thinking no one would ever notice. After a 31-year battle, I sought help from the VA, and they were able to help me move on; however, the damage was done.

Battle Buddies is my way of honoring those who have fallen and those who currently serve, as well as the pet companions that keep us all going. Our mission at Battle Buddies is to create a product that is not only as strong as our soldiers but also gives back, just like so many of them have and continue to do.

Thank you for supporting this small business, and thank you to our service men and women.

- David Randerson